

Complete list of publications available in Google Scholar Profile. Cover images above are from references 2, 5, and 15 (top, left to right), and 16 and 22 (bottom, left to right).


At Rice University

28. Chowdhury, P., Wang, X., Love, J. F., Nakatani, Y., Vargas-Hernandez, S., Grimm, S. L., Mason, F. M., Martinez, E. D., Coarfa, C., Verhey, K. J., Walker, C. L., Gustavsson, A. -K., Dere, R., Lysine demethylase 4A is a centrosome-associated protein that preserves centrosome integrity and maintains genomic stability, submitted (2025) [BioRxiv]

27. Kanie, T., Liu, B., Love, J. F., Fisher, S. D., Gustavsson, A. -K., and Jackson, P. K., A hierarchical pathway for assembly of the distal appendages that organize primary cilia, eLife, 14 e85999 (2025) [link]

26. Li, J., Liu, S., Kim, S., Goell, J., Drum, Z. A., Flores, J. P., Ma, A. J., Mahata, B., Escobar, M., Raterink, A., Ahn, J. H., Teran, E. R., Guerra-Resendez, R. S., Zhou, Y., Yu, B., Diehl, M. R., Wang, G. G., Gustavsson, A. -K., Phanstiel, D. H., Hilton, I. B., Biomolecular condensation of human IDRs initiates endogenous transcription via intrachromosomal looping or high-density promoter localization, Nucleic Acids Res., 53 1-16 (2025) [link]
     **Selected by the Editors of Nucleic Acids Research as a Breakthrough Article

25. Saliba, N.*, Gagliano, G.*, and Gustavsson, A. -K., Whole-cell multi-target single-molecule super-resolution imaging in 3D with microfluidics and a single-objective tilted light sheet, Nat. Commun., 15 1-17 (2024) [link]
     *Equal contributions
     ** Patent pending

24. Cheng, S., Nakatani, Y., Gagliano, G., Saliba, N., Gustavsson, A. -K., Light sheet illumination in single-molecule localization microscopy for imaging of cellular architectures and molecular dynamics, npj Imaging, 2 1-10 (2024) [link]

23. Nakatani, Y, Gaumer, S., Shechtman, Y., Gustavsson, A. -K., Long-axial-range double-helix point spread functions for 3D volumetric super-resolution imaging,  J. Phys. Chem. B, 128 11379-11388 (2024) [link]

22. Nelson, T.*, Vargas-Hernandez, S.*, Freire, M., Cheng, S., Gustavsson, A. -K., Multimodal illumination platform for 3D single-molecule super-resolution imaging throughout mammalian cells, Biomed. Opt. Express 15 3050-3063 (2024) [link]
     *Equal contributions
     ** Front cover

21. Weiss, L. E.*, Love, J. F., Yoon, J., Comerci, C. J., Milenkovic, L., Kanie, T., Jackson, P. K., Stearns, T., and Gustavsson, A. -K.*, Single-molecule imaging in the primary cilium, Methods Cell Biol., 176 59-83 (2023) [link]
     *Equal contributions

20. Ghanekar, B., Saragadam, V., Mehra, D., Gustavsson, A. -K., Sankaranarayanan, A., and Veeraraghavan, A. PS2F: polarized spiral point spread function for single-shot 3D sensing, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., in press (2022) [early access link]

19. Gustavsson, A. -K.#, Ghosh, R. P., Petrov, P. N., Liphardt, J. T., and Moerner, W. E. Fast and parallel nanoscale 3D tracking of heterogeneous mammalian chromatin dynamics, Mol. Biol. Cell, 33 1-11 (2022) [link]
     #Corresponding author
     ** Highlighted by the Editorial Board of Molecular Biology of the Cell

18. Gagliano, G., Nelson, T., Saliba, N., Vargas-Hernández, S., and Gustavsson, A. -K. Light sheet illumination for 3D single-molecule super-resolution imaging of neuronal synapses, Front. Synaptic Neurosci. 13 1-21 (2021) [link]

17. Kim, A. S., Melemenidis, S., Gustavsson, A. -K., Abid, D., Wu, Y., Liu, F., Hristov, D., Schüler, E. Increased local tumor control through nanoparticle-mediated, radiation-triggered release of nitrite, an important precursor for reactive nitrogen species, Phys. Med. Biol. 65 1-9 (2020) [link]

Prior Research

16. Bennett, H. W.*, Gustavsson, A. -K.*, Bayas, C. A., Petrov, P. N., Mooney, N., Moerner, W. E., Jackson, P. Novel fibrillar structure in the inversin compartment of primary cilia revealed by 3D single-molecule super-resolution microscopy, Mol. Biol. Cell 31 619-639 (2020) [link]
     *Equal contributions
     ** Front cover and highlighted by the Editorial Board of Molecular Biology of the Cell

15. Möckl, L., Pedram, K., Roy, A. R., Krishnan, V., Gustavsson, A. -K., Dorigo, O., Bertozzi, C. R., Moerner, W. E. Quantitative super-resolution microscopy of the mammalian glycocalyx, Dev. Cell 50 1-16 (2019) [link]
     **Front cover

14. van Niekerk, D. D., Gustavsson, A. -K., Benavides, M. M., Adiels, C. B., Goksör, M., Snoep, J. L. Phosphofructokinase controls the acetaldehyde-induced phase shift in isolated yeast glycolytic oscillators, Biochem. J. 476 353-363 (2019) [link]

13. Bayas, C., von Diezmann, A., Gustavsson, A. -K., Moerner, W. E. Easy-DHPSF 2.0: open-source software for three-dimensional localization and two-color registration of single molecules with nanoscale accuracy, Prot. Exchange, (2019) [link], [software download] 

12. Gustavsson, A. -K., Petrov, P. N., Lee, M. Y., Shechtman, Y., Moerner, W. E. 3D Single-molecule super-resolution microscopy with a tilted light sheet, Nat. Commun. 9 1-8 (2018) [link]
     **Featured in Research Highlights, Methods in Brief, Tilted light-sheet microscopy with 3D point-spread functions, Nat. Methods 15 163 (2018) [highlight]
     **Front cover and featured in BioPhotonics 25 5 (2018) [featured]
     **Several press releases [] [Science Daily] [Stanford News

11. Gustavsson, A. -K., Petrov, P., Moerner, W. E. Light sheet approaches for improved precision in 3D localization-based super-resolution imaging in thick mammalian cells, Opt. Express 26 13122-13147 (2018) [link]

10. Gustavsson, A. -K., Banaeiyan, A. A., van Niekerk, D. D., Snoep, J. L., Adiels, C. B., Goksör, M. Studying glycolytic oscillations in individual yeast cells by combining fluorescence microscopy with microfluidics and optical tweezers, Curr. Prot. Cell Biol. e70, 1-26 (2018) [link]

9. Gustavsson, A. -K., Petrov, P., Lee, M., Shechtman, Y., Moerner, W. E. Tilted light sheet microscopy with 3D point spread functions for single-molecule super-resolution imaging in mammalian cells, Proc. SPIE 10500 105000M-1-10 (2018) [link]

8. Shechtman, Y., Gustavsson, A. -K., Petrov, P. N., Dultz, E., Lee, M. Y., Weis, K., Moerner, W. E. Observation of live chromatin dynamics via 3D localization microscopy using Tetrapod point spread functions, Biomed. Opt. Express 8 5735-5748 (2017) [link]

7. Mojica-Benavides, M., Banaeiyan, A. A., van Niekerk, D. D., Snoep, J. L., Gustavsson, A. -K., Adiels, C. B., Goksör, M. An optical tweezers, epi-fluorescence and microfluidic-setup for synchronization studies of glycolytic oscillations in living yeast cells, Proc. SPIE 9922 992218-1-10 (2016) [link]

6. Gustavsson, A. -K., Adiels, C. B., Mehlig, B., Goksör, M. Entrainment of heterogeneous glycolytic oscillations in single cells, Sci. Rep. 5 1-7 (2015) [link]

5. Gustavsson, A. -K., van Niekerk, D. D., Adiels, C. B., Kooi, B., Goksör, M., Snoep, J. L. Allosteric regulation of phosphofructokinase controls the emergence of glycolytic oscillations in isolated yeast cells, FEBS J. 281 2784-2793 (2014) [link]
     **Front cover

4. Gustavsson, A. -K., van Niekerk, D. D., Adiels, C. B., Goksör, M., Snoep, J. L. Heterogeneity of glycolytic oscillatory behavior in individual yeast cells, FEBS Lett. 588 3-7 (2014) [link]

3. Schüler, E.*, Gustavsson, A. -K.*, Hertenberger, S., Sattler, K. Solar photocatalytic and electrokinetic studies of TiO2/Ag nanoparticle suspensions, Solar Energy 96 220-226 (2013) [link]
     *Equal contributions

2. Gustavsson, A. -K., van Niekerk, D. D., Adiels, C. B., du Preez, F. B., Goksör, M., Snoep, J. L. Sustained glycolytic oscillations in individual yeast cells, FEBS J. 279 2837-2847 (2012) [link]
     **Awarded best paper of the year by FEBS Journal
     **Front cover
     **Several press releases [FEBS J podcast 2012]

1. Gustavsson, A. -K., Adiels, C. B., Goksör, M. Induction of sustained glycolytic oscillations in single cells using microfluidics and optical tweezers, Proc. SPIE 8458 84580Y-1-7 (2012) [link]