

We are currently looking for qualified and enthusiastic postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduate students to join our team.


Postdoctoral Scholars

We are always looking for talented and driven postdoctoral scholars interested in our research. Please contact Prof. Gustavsson with inquiries. Please be prepared to provide your cover letter, CV, publications list, and contact information to three references. Please include a few sentences highlighting what you would like to learn and what you think you can contribute to the group.

Graduate Students

If you are a student from the Chemistry, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Applied Physics, or Systems, Synthetic, and Physical Biology Program, please feel free to contact Prof. Gustavsson for research/rotation opportunities.

If you are not a current student at Rice University, please submit your application to appropriate graduate programs. You may also contact Prof. Gustavsson for help with selecting a program.

Undergraduate Students

We are always interested in undergraduate students who are committed to research. All undergraduates are encouraged to start in the summer after freshman year. In your inquiry to Prof. Gustavsson, please attach your transcript (unofficial is fine) and a description of your research interests.